Where are Pecans Grown in the US and Around the World?

Today, we are going to take you on a geographical journey. We’ll be hopping, skipping, and jumping all over our little blue marble in space. The goal? To introduce you to all the wonderful places around the world where pecans are grown. Of course, here at Delightful Pecans, our farms are in the beautiful state of Arizona, but Arizona certainly is not the only state that grows pecans. Indeed, by volume, it isn’t even the largest.

Let’s quickly revisit our favorite nut! Pecans are a type of tree nut that belong to the hickory family and are native to North America, which is why most are grown in the good ole’ U.S. of A. Pecans are known for their rich, buttery flavor and are often used in a variety of sweet and savory dishes. While pecans are primarily grown in the United States, they are also produced in other countries around the world.

Still, we want to go ahead and start in the United States, where we’ll take a trip down south to see all the places in America where pecans are grown. We’re going to the state that used to grow and export the most pecans in the United States. Its official motto may be the “Peach State,” but Georgia used to be the Pecan State.

Georgia is no Longer the Number One Pecan-Growing State

Pecans are primarily grown in the United States, with most of the production taking place in New Mexico, Georgia, Arizona, and Texas. Other countries that also produce pecans include Mexico, Australia, and South Africa. But before we go abroad, who grows the most in the United States? It used to be Georgia, but lately, Georgia and New Mexico have been in a horse raise for first. Let’s examine the number one or two state in the U.S. where pecans are grown, and that’s the state of Georgia.

In Georgia, pecan production has a long history dating back to the 1800s. Several individual Georgia landowners near Savannah began producing and marketing pecans on a small scale (about ninety-seven total acres by 1889). By 1910 a “pecan boom” began when southwest Georgia landowners started planting what became thousands of acres of pecans. To this day, the state is known for producing high-quality pecans that are used in a variety of products, including candies, pies, and baked goods.

Previously, Georgia’s warm and humid climate was beneficial for pecan growth. Lately, Georgia has suffered heavy rains and more pecan tree disease. The result? Lower production efficiency than in New Mexico or Arizona. Fortunately, Georgie still has good irrigation systems. Harvests aren’t as good as in the past, but Georgia is still among the top-producing states.

Other States that Grow Pecans

New Mexico is the second-largest pecan producer in the country, with a focus on producing high-volume, high-quality pecans. Texas is also a significant pecan-producing state, known for its large orchards and flavorful nuts. And then we have Arizona, our home state! We’re so proud to be Arizona pecan growers. We have a long history in this state, and we don’t plan on going anywhere. In fact, Arizona is set to overtake Texas in the coming year or two.

You may think that wet climates are the only prime pecan planting climate, but that isn’t true. Arizona is known for its warm and dry climate, but it is still ideal for growing pecans. Arizona pecans are more resistant to disease. The state has long, sunny days, and warm temperatures that are conducive to pecan tree growth. Arizona also has well-drained soils that are suitable for pecan orchards and the availability of irrigation systems gives farmers a lot of options.

Additionally, Arizona has a robust agricultural industry, with a well-established infrastructure for farming, processing, and distribution, which ensures a steady supply of pecans to the global market. Furthermore, Arizona's location is ideal for exporting pecans to other countries, especially to the West Coast of the United States, and to the Pacific Rim. The pecans produced in Arizona are known for their large size and sweet flavor and are used in a variety of products.

Overall, Arizona's ideal climate, well-drained soil, and strong infrastructure make it a great place to grow pecans and the state is considered as one of the top pecan-producing states in the United States. We’re pretty proud of that!

Why Are Southern U.S. States Ideal for Pecan Orchards?

The southern states of the United States, such as Georgia, Texas, and New Mexico, are known for their favorable climate and soil conditions for growing pecans. There’s a reason why we’re here in Arizona! These states have warm summers, mild winters, and well-drained soils that are ideal for pecan trees to thrive. And as we touched on before, southern states also have a long history of pecan cultivation.

The southern states also have a large acreage of land suitable for pecan orchards and the industry is well established with a good infrastructure for farming, processing, and distribution. Northern states tend to be more densely packed and there is not as much large acreage.

Additionally, the southern states have a large labor force with experience in pecan farming and processing, which allows for efficient and high-quality production. If you look at where the major ports are in the United States, you think about Southern California, Texas, and Florida. Southern states are strategically located close to major markets and ports. The world eats American pecans from the South. And we love it!

But how about the rest of the world? Let’s take a trip abroad!

Where in the World Are Pecans Grown?

First stop, our immediate neighbor to the South! Mexico is another major producer of pecans in the world. The country has a long history of pecan cultivation and is known for producing high-quality pecans that are exported to countries around the world. Mexico is a big competitor, and yet partner, to their northern pecan-growing neighbors. Mexico is also a major exporter of pecan oil, which is used in a variety of culinary and cosmetic applications.

Mexico is known for its favorable climate for pecan cultivation. Much like American southern states, Mexico has a variety of climates that suit pecans. The Mexican pecan industry has a strong infrastructure, with a well-established network of growers, processors, and exporters that ensure a steady supply of pecans to the global market. Overall, Mexico's ideal climate, rich pecan-growing tradition, and strong infrastructure make it one of the best places in the world to grow pecans. And don’t we know it!

Australia is another country that has a growing pecan industry. The country has a favorable climate for pecan cultivation and has seen a significant increase in pecan production in recent years. The country has a subtropical and semi-arid climate, with warm and dry summers and mild winters, which is ideal for healthy pecan tree growth. Additionally, the country has an abundance of water resources that can be used for irrigation. Wildfires have been a problem in Australia, but overall pecan farming is growing and thriving. Australia's location makes it easy to export pecans to other countries, especially to Asia and the Pacific Region.

South Africa is also a significant producer of pecans. The country has a long history of pecan cultivation and is known for producing high-quality pecans that are exported to other African countries. But they also serve a “Global South” market, with export markets in Latin America and beyond. In addition to these countries, pecans are also grown in smaller quantities in other countries such as Argentina, Chile, and Israel. While pecan production in these countries is not as significant as in the previously mentioned countries, they still play a role in the global pecan market.

Don’t You Just Love Pecans?

Wow! How about that fun trip around the globe? Did you realize pecans were grown in so many other places? Pecans are versatile and delicious tree nuts grown in a variety of countries around the world. With the increasing demand for pecans, it is likely that pecan production in other countries will continue to grow in the coming years, and we love that. With pecans being delicious and good for you, people are snapping them up the world over. Here at Delightful Pecans, we support the growth and expansion of pecans across the United States and the world. Viva pecan!!


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